PT. CIGADING MARINE NUSANTARA, national private company located in cigading- banten indonesia, was founded in 2017 by Mr. Mahmud & Nikmatullah ( notary munir syawal pandapotan sinaga SH. MKN with No Registation 4017112936105009), which performs precisely ship chander at the Cigading Port , Ciwandan Port, Anyer Port, Merak Port, Bayah Port, Anyer Port, Tarahan Port, Panjang port, Jakarta Por and all over region indonesian port, we can serves good qualities in several activities in the supply operations, vessels invarious local and foreign products, such as food, and even garbage collection, we provide according to your needs with fast and efficient delivery satisfaction with course, and every day including weekends. That is our main mission and experience as currency. Our customers can expect fast, efficient service for all their ship chandlery needs and this 24/24 and 7/7. What gives us the edge in comparison with other companies is the dynamism of our services, the excellence of our products and our availability for you. Our employees try to take as much work out of your hands as is possible and will just simply take that extra step for you.
PT. CIGADING MARINE NUSANTARA, has revolutionized the Ship Chandler in Cigading, Banten- indonesia. Our commitment is to satisfy an ever-growing customer base with our outstanding service and quality, guarantee and become professional ship chandler in indonesia.
We have an excellent infrastructure and are thus able to assist you in:
- Full Service Marine Supply – Deck Stores, Engine, Cabin & Bonded Supplies.
- Provisions – Fresh and frozen food and vegetables.
- Safety Equipment.
- Marine Bunkering.
- Marine Publications, Charts (British Almiralty).
- Life Raft Inspection – Annual Service
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PT. Cigading Marine Nusantara is the option you should consider if you want quality, variety of products, and a team that knows your needs. We are ready to work for you and ensure that your ship is always supplied ahead of time and within budget
